Elsa is sentenced to death by *******. They push her by kicking on a rusty barrel, throw the loop. These rough rope and red dress are the only things that putted on her – they’re her last clothes. Dark walls of the prison basement and the executioner laugh – there are only things that left to her before dying. She is so whacked that wants any death brings her out of this nightmare. Endless hours they rankled her with stiletto and metal tongs, battered with police baton. ***** runs down her feet on concrete floor. Her only remaining resource is constrained moan. The executioner pulls the barrel away from under feet of the condemned. She tries to hold on to the barrel by bare feet. burning shortage of oxygen squeezes her lungs. Elsa cannot scream, only constrained rales are hearded from pale lips. Last attempts to break forth and pangs of death are mixed. Tears are freesed on her distorted face, her mouth convulsively opens to find last jolt of air. But no quarter will be given, the sentence must be enforced. When the executioner is convinced in her death, Elsa’s bloody body is slowly moved down the floor. Her body along with other plagued ones will be hurried in a truck and taken out of a town, where they will be buried in nameless grave.